Ah……Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

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Ah…Valentine’s Day,  the most lovable day of the year or the most miserable day of the year depending on your current situation.
Well, I just happen to be one of those people who has actually found true love. Deep, non superficial, worthy of a lifetime, I’ll put you first and even die for you kind of love. Yes, my husband was divinely given to me and I still can’t get over it. Those many and I mean many prayers I prayed for him were truly answered the day I met him. Yes, he’s not perfect nor am I but we are perfect for each other and make a great team in this game called life!image

But I have to be honest even though I have my Valentine, I am never truly happy on Valentine’s Day. Why? because of the gift of mercy God has chosen to give me.
See my thoughts always, always go out to my single still looking for love friends. They deserve a Valentine to love, one as great as mine. And then there’s those friends who had great love and because of the sting of death were robbed of it. At least in this lifetime, they have to miss their beloved. And no one, no one can ever touch the love they once had.
Lastly are my friends, married or involved with heart breaking Valentine’s. Whether the strain of infertility or sickness or selfishness has threatened to end their love or future Valentine’s days altogether.
I am not sure which group you fit into today but I am praying for you ! I am praying that you will know not only some future awesome wonderful human love in God’s perfect timing. I am praying that you will feel God’s presence today.image

He is called the lover of our soul, our Creator, our Savior from whatever is breaking our hearts. Ok, you may say I don’t really buy into all that God stuff .  To you, my unknown worthy of a valentine friend, I say just give Him that is God a try.
No one else is around, your lonely, you’ve been waiting way to long. Talk to him, in your car, at a park, walking your dog. Wherever you are draw near to him, ask him to heal your broken heart and bring that Valentine soon and give you joy even in your waiting. I have been there waiting…….it’s not fun. Don’t give up, don’t get down…….this Valentine’s Day is thankfully almost over! And next year my friend is coming!

Imagine the funny cards

Imagine the love!

It’s coming…..don’t give up and for now know that you are loved by a very big God ❤️image

A few years ago, this little girl had no father or Valentine. This year she has both!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️